During the night from Thursday to Friday, the Šmáliks became researchers. They examined their bodies - measure their lung capacity, blood flowing through their body, using the indicators they were finding out whether the various samples of solutions are acidic, alkaline or neutral, they produced kaleidoscope by themselves, they measured the volume of different sounds - whispers, talking, whistling and noise in the gym while they were playing ball games. They measured speed of a moving body by using the tablets as are - balls, toy cars, running students from the ninth grade... they charged the energy from colors and they became millionaires for the moment. Whereas after of activities it was too late, we got in sleeping bags in classrooms and we tried to spend the night at the school.
V noci zo štvrtku na piatok sa Šmálikovci stali výskumníkmi. Skúmali svoje telo - merali si vitálnu kapacitu pľúc, prietok krvi v tele, pomocov indikátorov zisťovali, či sú rozne vzorky roztokov kyslé zásadité alebo neutrálne, vyrábali si svoj vlastný kaleidoskop, merali hlasitosť rôznych zvukov - šepotu, rozprávania, pískania, a hluku v telocvični pri hraní vybíjanej, pomocou tabletov merali rýchlosť pohybujúceho sa telesa - loptičky, autíčka, bežiaceho deviataka..., dobíjali si energiu farbami a na okamih sa stali milionármi. Keďže po skončení všetkých aktivít už bolo neskoro, všupli sme sa do spacákov v triedach a vyskúšali sme si nocovanie v škole.
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