In the second round of the Smáliks´ Cup of Science team we were studying the pressure in liquids and gases. We went for an excursion to Orava Dam. We were situated 28 m below the water surface and we kept still in dry ... Our guide led us through the bowels of the dam and answered he very willingly and patiently for our inquisitive questions ... Inside the walls were similar measuring instruments as we took with us - barometers that the water pressure on the dam wall. We have measured changing atmospheric pressure of air by our barometer –we took read atmospheric pressure on the dam wall and inside about 30 m below the water surface.
We now know that water and air pressure depends on the depth... the greater it is - the greater is the pressure...
V rámci druhého kola Pohára vedy tím Šmálikovcov skúmal tlak v kvapalinách a plynoch. Vybrali sme sa teda na exkurziu na vodné dielo Orava. Nachádzali sme sa 28 m pod hladinou vody, a predsa sme všetci zostali suchí... Náš sprievodca nás vodil po útrobách priehradného múru a veľmi ochotne a trpezlivo odpovedal na naše zvedavé otázky... Vo vnútri múru mali podobné meracie prístroje, ako sme si zobrali so sebou - barometre, ktoré sledujú tlak vody na priehradný múr. Našim barometrom sme sledovali zmenu atmosferického tlaku vzduchu - odmerali sme atmosferický tlak na priehradnom múre a vo vnútri zhruba 30 m pod hladinou vody.
Teraz už vieme, že tlak vody aj vzduchu závisí od hĺbky... čím je väčšia, tým je tlak väčší...
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