Today we, Šmálik´s, have filled out the same questionnaire as our friends from Lískovce. Each student in our class knows where his mom and dad work.
The questionnaire was intended for answering of questions whom I want to be when I grow up and why. There we selected ones:
"Dentist - because I want to take care of people's health." - Veronika V.
"Doctor for children and adolescents - because I want to help sick children." Natalia F.
"Car mechanic - because I enjoy electronics and motors." Matej M.
"The stewardess - because I will be able to travel the world." - Anetka O.
"Police officer - because I enjoy criticizing people." - René P.
In the questionnaire we had to also realize what will be our job duty and what for what we will be responsible. It was very difficult question for the fifth graders but I was very pleasantly surprised by some of the pupils' answers:A ICT worker - is responsible for virus-free PC, a car mechanic is responsible for repaired cars, a rescue worker and a doctor for the lives and health of people, a flight attendant for welfare of passengers ...
V dotazníku sa zamýšlali aj nad tým, čim chceme byť až vyrastieme a prečo. Vyberám niektoré:
"Zubárka - lebo sa chcem starať o zdravie ľudí." - Veronika V.
"Lekárka pre deti a dorast - lebo chcem pomáhať chorým deťom." Natália F.
"Opravár áut - lebo ma baví elektronika a motory." Matej M.
"Letuška - lebo budem cestovať po svete." - Anetka O.
"Policajtom - lebo ma baví kritizovať ľudí." - René P.
V dotazníku sme si museli uvedomiť aj to, čo bude našou pracovnou náplňou a za čo sme v danom povolaní zodpovední. Veľmi ťažká otázka na piatakov, ale bola som veľmi milo prekvapená niektorými žiackymi odpoveďami:
IT-čkár - zodpovedá za bezvírusové PC, opravár áut za opravené autá, záchranár a lekár za životy a zdravie ľudí, letuška za spokojnosť cestujúcich...
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